New Value Rising in the Capital: YDA Park Avenue


The construction of YDA PARK AVENUE  is continuing at a fast pace.

YDA Park Avenue is preparing to be the biggest project of the city with 1855 housing units built on an area of ​​133.000 m2 in Anadolu Boulevard, the most rapidly valued region of Ankara.

As a first in residential projects in Turkey social opportunitiessuch as pet habitat, zen garden, open air cinema, adventure park, model boat pool and ice ring. It will also include open and closed sports areas, jogging and hiking trails, indoor swimming pools, colorful pools with water games and bicycle paths.

The project, which is controlled by Middle East Technical University for all stages successfully passed ground surveys, earthquake simulation tests and the wind tests. After the geological surveys piles were used for the foundation.

100 thousand square meters of foundation and below grade waterproofing of the project is secured by HYFIX Chemical Waterproofing Systems, which provides the most guaranteed solution for waterproofing for life of the concrete not by waterproofing only the surface but the whole concrete matrix.